Gateside Local Place Plan consultation reminder

This is a quick reminder that the public consultation on the Local Place Plan (LPP) ends on Tuesday 7th May.

The LPP may be viewed and downloaded in its entirety from the Community Council website.

The community consultations and engagements across the community council area revealed the following five themes for action to improve the situation in our four communities:

  • Theme 1. A physically well-connected place with improved public, private and active travel provision.

  • Theme 2. A place of well-being for all, with better-targeted provision of housing and access to key health, social and community services.

  • Theme 3. An entrepreneurial place where there is sustainable employment and interesting careers for all and where residents are enabled to contribute to the local economy.

  • Theme 4. A climate and environmentally friendly place, resilient against adverse changes in the climate and with green spaces preserved and enhanced.

  • Theme 5. A culturally vibrant place, rich in leisure and play opportunities.

For Gateside the quick wins are seen as follows:

  • Theme 1: provision of EV charging points; improved signage promoting safer cycle routes and the identification of a connecting active travel network between the communities and longer distance routes.

  • Theme 3: a feasibility study for a skills training centre at the former primary school in Gateside (note that this may have been overtaken by events).

  • Theme 4: sites for increased tree planting identified; preservation and improvement of existing publicly accessible green spaces across the plan area; and the formation of a local Resilience Group. {The Resilience Group has already been formed).

Longer term projects are:

  • Theme 1. The provision of broadband to all households in the plan area.

  • Theme 2. A housing needs and demand analysis to be conducted with a view to exploiting empty and derelict buildings for the future; house build to be prioritised towards mid-market rental and new building housing for young families, individuals and key workers; future developments to ensure easy access to green spaces and local services; community organisations to develop a new vision for their buildings to enable the provision of a wider range of services.

  • Theme 3. Promotion of the Place Plan area as a destination for active travel and eco-tourism; improvement of local business workshop and secure storage facilities.

  • Theme 4. Opportunities for community land ownership (such as community woodlands) to be explored.

  • Theme 5. Play parks in Gateside {and Dunshalt) to be redeveloped with the local communities and existing facilities to be supported to meet the needs of local children.

How to comment

By email to

By email to

Or leave a voicemail on 01337 895684


Gateside Association meeting - 9 May


Gateside playpark fundraising